Chito Ryu Crest

Crest Policy

Chito-Ryu Karate-Do

@Dojo Directory @Event Calendar @CCRKA Merchandise @Soke Cup Tournament @KIME Newsletter @ChitoNet Mail List

* Welcome

The Canadian Chito-Ryu Karate-Do Association is a non-profit association, operated by an elected Board of Directors. The Association's membership is comprised of Chito Ryu dojo (clubs) across Canada practising traditional Chito-Ryu Karate-Do.

* Chito Ryu Achievements at NKA - Report

* 1998 Soke Cup Official Videos, a five tape set, is available for purchase from the Merchandise Page.

The Tournament Results are available on-line. Congratulations to all the Competiters!

Canadian Chito Ryu Karate Honbu Dojo
Honbucho: Shane Higashi, Kyoshi
89 Curlew Ave. Toronto, Ontario Canada M3A 2P8
Tel: (416) 444-5310 E-mail Honbu

The CCRKA is a member of the International Chito-Ryu Karate-Do Federation under the direction of Chitose Sensei, 2nd generation Soke of Chito-Ryu Karate-Do.

For additional information on Chito Ryu Karate, the International Chito Ryu Karate-do Federation, and dojo contacts outside of Canada, visit the International Chito Ryu Karate Federation Website.

Most provinces in Canada have formed provincial Chito Ryu Karate associations. Visit those that have Provincial Chito Ryu Association Web Sites.

* CCRKA Dojos

Official Canadian Dojo Database

Provincial Chito Ryu Dojo Listing for: -

International Dojo Directory at International Chito Ryu Web Site

* Membership

Individual membership in the CCRKA comes through ones' membership in a CCRKA sanctioned dojo. For membership information contact the CCRKA office at the Hombu address listed above. Fee information is available on the Membership Fees Page.

* 1998 Soke Cup Tournament

The Soke Cup '98 Page holds current information about the triennial Soke Cup International Chito Ryu tournament.

* Chito Ryu Karate Events Calendar

Interactive Calendar Add events in your area to the web calendar.

*Web Links to Other Sites

Visit the Web Links Page, where you can surf to other sites.

* K I M E

KIME is the newsletter of the CCRKA. It is published quarterly and distributed to all member dojo. Check here for On-line Issues.

Some early issues are online in the Kime Archives

There are several Chito Ryu related newsletters published by various dojo and associations. Some are available online.

* Chito Ryu Merchandise

Member dojos can check out our Merchandise Page to order items.

* ChitoNet Mail List

ChitoNet is an internet mail list for discussion of Chito Ryu Karate related topics. It has over 200 subscribers and is open to anyone interested in Chito Ryu Karate.

More Information about ChitoNet

* Chito Ryu Quizes

Test your knowledge about Chito Ryu Karate on the Chito Ryu Quizes.

* The Guestbook

Stop in and leave a note and see what others have said in the CCRKA Guestbook.

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