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This is a recent shot from the Higashi Dojo, Jim Hart (with a wig on) is taking out Murray Sutherland with a move he is well known for.

The Association has announced that there will a Celebration to honour Sensei Higashi. It will be to remember 35 years of karate experience at the Higashi dojo, as well as an opportunity to formally congratulate him on his promotion to 8Th Dan.
The event will be held at the Arts and Letters Club on 14 Elm Street in Toronto, on the evening of November 28 th.
There will be a reception at 6 pm, followed by a sit down dinner at 7.30 pm. Entertainment following the dinner is also promised.
Tickets can be obtained through any member of the Board of Diretors.
See you all there.

On Sept 11, the latest dojo heads meeting was held, a picture of the serious gathering is shown above. An extensive agenda was gone through, among other things the new events calender was presented, which is now reflected on the web page. The meeting was by all reports a good and productive gathering, and the results should be felt in the dojos throughout the fall.

I have a note from Carl Bromwich who is looking for information about Harry Anastasiadis. If anybody has any information about Harry, please either get in touch with Carl directly at "[email protected]", or let me know and I will pass it on.