1998 Soke Cup Divisions

Adult Black Belt

Men Kata Individual Kumite
Team Kumite
Women Kata Individual Kumite
Team Kumite
MixedTeam Kata

Black Belt Kumite Grand Champion

Winners from the Lightweight & Heavyweight Kumite Divisions will be eligible for this event.

Masters A (Black Belt)

40-49 yrs.
Men: Kata; Kumite
Women: Kata; Kumite

Masters B (Black Belt)

50+ yrs.
Men: Kumite
Women: Kumite
Mixed: Kata

Adult Novice Kyu

Kata: Men; Women
Team Kata; Mixed (all kyu)
Individual Kumite: Men; Women

Adult Intermediate Kyu

Kata: Men; Women
Team Kata; Mixed (all kyu)
Individual Kumite: Men; Women

Year of Birth: 1980 and earlier = Adult Divisions;
Year of Birth: 1981 and later = Junior Divisions

Junior A: born in 1981 & 1982
Mixed Team Kata
Mixed Kata
Boys Kumite; Girls Kumite
Boys: Kata; Kumite
Girls: Kata; Kumite
Junior B: born in 1983 & 1984
Mixed Team Kata
Mixed Kata
Boys Kumite; Girls Kumite
Boys: Kata; Kumite
Girls: Kata; Kumite
Junior C: born in 1985 & 1986
Mixed Team Kata
Mixed Kata
Boys Kumite; Girls Kumite
Boys: Kata; Kumite
Girls: Kata; Kumite
Junior D: born in 1987 & 1988
No belt divisions:
Boys Kata
Girls Kata
Mixed Team Kata

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