October 1998
October 4th KOA Tournament
October 4th Yudansha Clinic Held at Higashi dojo, Kata
October 25 OCRA Clinics

At Hombu Dojo

By Shihan Peter Giffen, 5th Dan
10am -12 noon - Kata performance and applications All levels
1 pm - 3 pm - Hensho Ho - Variations and applications

Half day $ 15- non members $20
Full day $ 25 - non members $30

November 1998
November 1st Yudansha Clinic Higashi dojo, Pretest preparations
November 8th OCRA Referee Clinic
November 14th Yudansha Pretest
November 15th Fall Tournament Wilfred Laurier Collegiate
November 15th KOA Referee Clinic
November 21st CCRA - AGM
November 22nd CCRA clinics
November 28th Celebration for Sensei Higashi See Hantei for details
November 29th KOA Tournament
December 1998
December 6th Yudasha Clinic Higashi dojo, Bunkai
December 12 OCRA Childrens Clinic and Party
January 1999
January 1st New Years workout Higashi dojo
January 3rd Yudansha Clinic Kumite
January 16th Yudansh grading Higashi dojo.
January 17th KOA Referee clinic
January 31st KOA Tournament
February 1999
February 6th OCRA Referee Clinic
February 7th Winter Tournament
February 14th Yudansha Clinic Breathing
February 21st Kigami Biraki
March 1999
March 7th Yudansha Clinic Advance Kata applications
March 13th Ottawa Tournament
March 14th KOA Referee Clinic
March 21st Dojo Heads meeting Higashi dojo
March 28th KOA Tournament
April 1999
April 4th Yudansha Clinic Renzuiki waza,Advanced basics
April 11 Clinic with Higashi Sensei
May 1999
May 2nd Yudansha Clinic Pretest preparation
May 8th Yudansha pretest
May 9th OCRA Referee Clinic
May 16th Spring Tournament Wilfred Laurier Collegiate
June 1999
June 3-5 Nationals
June 6th Yudansha Clinic Kata
June 12th AGM - Ontarion Chito Ryu
June 21st Womes' self defense clinic
July 1999
July 10th Yudansha grading