We are pleased to announce that O-Sensei, Dr. Tsuyoshi Chitose will visit approximately six Canadian cities in August/September, 1982. He will be accompanied by his wife and a high-ranking instructor from Japan.
The cost of such a trip will be high, but all Chito-Ryu students will benefit. Expenses are to be shared by The Canadian Chito-Kai Association and the participating clubs. We therefore request that you assist us by developing club or provincial fund-raising events and by purchasing the Chito-Kai shirts, crests, jewellery, etc.
We have also received word that O-Sensei has a newborn grandson, Naoyuki Chitose.
All Chito-Kai members and clubs are reminded that their 1982 dues should be submitted as soon as possible.
Membership dues are $5.00 and are to be paid through your club. In return, the 1982 Chito-Kai membership card will be sent out. Note that students cannot be graded until this fee is paid.
Clubs will receive their 1982 certificates as soon as possible upon receipt of their $25.00 club fee.
It is expected that gradings for the Sandan and Yodan levels will take place in Toronto in September, 1982 during O-Sensei's visit and the national championships. Those interested should contact either Sensei Akutagawa or Sensei Higashi for details.
The next meeting of the full Chito-Kai Executive will take place in Toronto, April 24-25. Any members or clubs with concerns they wish the Executive to discuss should contact Glen Jones, c/o The Canadian Chito-Kai Association, 1 Harfleur Rd., Agincourt, Ontario M1T ZX4
The following is a comment by Madame Lise M.-Blanchette, Sherbrooke, P.Q. An approximate English translation of the text follows.
(Canadian Chito-Kai Association: une fiert�)
De nos Jours, toutes les compagnies reconnaissent la n�cessit� d'une certaine publicit� pour la vente du leur produit, m�me si celui-ci se vent seul par sa grande qualit�.
Depuis septembre 1981, mon mari et moi avons entrepris de convertir le Dojo de l'Universit� de Sherbrooke en Dojo Chito-Ryu. Nous avons opt� pour une conversion en douceur. Ayant d�j� la responsabilit� du Dojo Chito-Ryu du Coll�ge de Sherbrooke, nous avions ce projet d'expansion depuis trois ans. Cette situation m'a permis de r�fl�chir sur des id�es de marketing. De plus, j'ai pu v�rifier deux excellentes raisons d'exprimer ma fiert�: le Chito-Ryu comme tel ainsi que les gens qui en font la promotion. Voici qualques unes de mes r�flections.
Au d�but, je pensais que le seul fait de se donner enti�rement pour une cause devrait suffire � attirer les gens � vouloir se d�vouer � leur tour pour cette cause. En y repensant bien. j'ai opt� pour une vision un peu plus dynamique car seul le d�vouement de sol le plus sinc�re et le plus complet peut parfois r�sulter en un demi-succ�s si la strat�gie est laiss�e au hasard des circonstances.
Plusieurs instructeurs donnent des information de base sur les styles aux d�butants, sans toutefois les impliquer dans cc qu'on appelle "la politique" ce qui pourrait les �loigner du karat�. Ils ont d'ailleurs parfaitement raison parce que la finalit� de tout apprentissage est de d'abord s'ouvrir sur le monds et d'accepter ce qui est diff�rent de sol comme une r�alit� possible. Mis � part toute politique, je pense que nous avons tous besoin d'appartenir � une paroisse; ce besoin pourrait �tre combl� au profit du sentiment d'appartenance au Style Chito-Ryu. Je pense ici � diff�rents moyens p�dagogiques tr�s discrets qui pourraient stimuler l'�l�ve dans son apprentissage. Par exemple, un �criteus � l'entr�e du Dojo, tr�s sobre mais indiquant fi�rement � l'�l�ve que cette �cole est une �cole Chito-Ryu. Je pense aussi � un tableau d'affiches indiquant des pens�es, des exp�riences � vivre et des activites � ne pas manquer. Il existe une foule d'autres moyens qui sont autant de stimulations et de renforcements a l'apprentissage.
Avant de vous faire part de ma conclusion, j'ai quelques questions � vous poser. Vous a-t-on d�j� demand� de comparer differ�nts styles, � savoir les bons et les mauvais? Avez-vous r�pondu que pour choisir un style, il s'agit beaucoup plus de regarder l'enseignant et son assocation que de regarder le style lui-m�me, all�guant que deux voies de d�veloppement peuvent �tre diff�rentes et men�es au m�me but. A la suite de cette r�ponse, par souci d'humilit�, avez-vous oubli� de vendre avec clart� votre produit?
Ces questions m'am�nent � la plus importante des id�es, que Je voulais vous exprimer: ne pas oublier de ventre notre produit, chacun � sa fa�on. Il faut dire et r�p�ter � quiconque le demande, ceci avec une tr�s grande fiert�: "La Voie du Chito-Ryu est une excellente voie de d�veloppement personnel, elle m�ne � la r�alisation de toutes les dimensions de la personne, elle conf�re � l'art martial lui-m�me un caract�re des plus complet. C'est pourquoi, si tu as la chance de croiser la Voie du Chito-Ryu, prends-la et ne l'abandonne jamais."
Une pens�e exprim�e simplement, avec franchise, ne comporte aucun �l�ment de pr�tention, et donne a l'�l�ve un exemple � suivre en le s�curisant d'une certains fa�on.
Mme. Lise M.-Blanchette
[translation of the above French text]
Since September 1981, my husband and I have undertaken the transformation of the University of Sherbrooke Dojo into a Chito-Ryu Dojo, having previously been responsible for the Sherbrooke College Chito-Ryu Dojo. Based upon our experiences with these clubs I feel that there are two main reasons for expressing my pride in Chito-Ryu Karate: the style itself, and the people who are involved in that style. Following are some of my reflections on this subject.
At first I thought that the very fact of giving oneself entirely to the goals of Chito-Ryu would suffice in attracting others to want to similarly dedicate themselves. But I have now concluded that personal dedication alone may not be enough if strategy is left to chance.
Many instructors teach about their particular style to new students without feeling it necessary to discuss politics, because this would only distract them from karate. They are perfectly right because the end of any training is first of all to open oneself up to the world and to accept what is different from oneself as an alternative reality. Putting aside all politics, I believe that we all have the need to group together under a common flag, as it were. This need could be fulfilled by sharing a feeling of belonging to the Chito-Ryu style. This might mean using some discrete pedagogical means to stimulate the student in his or her training. for example, a sign might be placed at the dojo's entrance to indicate with sobriety to the student that this school is a Chito-Ryu School. Similarly, there could be a sign showing certain desirable thoughts to be followed. Of course there are many other ways to help to stimulate and reinforce training.
The main idea that I wish to express is that we should not forget to try to sell our product, Chito-kyu Karate, each in our own way. We should be proud to say that the Chito-Ryu path is an excellent way to achieve personal development and, ultimately, to realize all of the dimensions of a person's character. So, if you have the chance to follow the Chito-Ryu path, take it:
A thought expressed simplicity and frankness involves no element of pretention and gives to the student an example to follow with security and confidence.
Mme. Lise M. Blanchette
The technical committee and the executive of Chito-Kai Canada would like to congratulate the following karateka on their success in the most recent gradings.
Mr. Hal Henschel Edmonton, Alberta
Mr. Nelson Lavigne,
Mr. Daniel Gallant,
Mr. Wm. Anderson,
Mr. Paul Jimmo New Brunswick
Mr. Richard Rowell Calgary, Alberta
Mr. Naurino Ruperto Prince Rupert, B.C.
Mr. Bruce McKenna Halifax, N.S.
Mr. David Clark Fredericton, N.B.
Mr. Peter D. Walker Charlottetown, P.E.I.
Mr. Ken Robinson Riverview, N.B.
Miss Barb. Sanders Mount Vernon, P.E.I.
Mr. Alex Pawlowski Toronto, Ontario.
Mr. Kevin Mellor Kitimat, B.C.
Mr Allan Whitney Fredericton, N.B.
Mr. Greg. Nordstrom St. Stephen, N.B.
Miss Loretta Heartz Charlottetown, P.E.I.
Mr. Robt. Verret Slemon Park, P.E.I.
Mr. Jerry Gushne Torbay, Nfld.
Mr. Daniel Larice (Ted Jungblut, Toronto)
On January 16th, Sensei Higashi and Dr. David Smith visited Montreal. Two clinics were held by Sensei Higashi One at the University of Montreal open to all styles, the second at N.D.G. Karate Club - limited to Chito-Ryu stylists. The participation in both clinics was very enthusiastic and an opportunity existed to further explain Chito-Ryu and the Chito-Kai Organization. Plans exist to return to Montreal for similar clinics. Both Sensei Higashi and Dr. Smith wish to thank all the Karateka for their hospitality and true karate spirit.
During the summer of 1982 Chito-Kai clinics will be held in New Brunswick and Alberta. Sensei Higashi plans to attend both clinics. The clinic in New Brunswick will be held July 5th - 10th. For details contact Bob McInnes, c/o Hampton Karate Club, P O Box 1, Hampton, New Brunswick, E0G 1Z0. Details of the Canmore Alberta clinic in August are available from John Kerr, c/o Canmore Karate Club, Box 370, Canmore, Alberta, T0L 0M0. The date of the Canmore Clinic is August 20th - 25th.
(1) What is Mae tobi Geri?
(2) What is hansoku?
(3) What is tate empi?
(4) What is Kosa Dachi?
(5) What is Tai Sabaki?
That's all for now. Until next issue, train hard, make sure your Chito-Kai dues are paid and be sure to prepare for Dr, Chitose's visit.
Watch next issue for a special insert prepared by Jean Noel Blanchette.